Just a quick update, for those who were a bit concerned about my crazy eating habits...
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, orange juice, 2 pieces of bacon
Morning snack - apple, cup of tea
Lunch - turkey sandwich on wheat, small salad, grape juice
Afternoon snack - handful of raisins, water
Pre swim - celery w/almond butter, 1/2 sliced sweet potato, water
Post swim - chicken fingers (yeah, not healthy..), more water
Breakfast - water, toast, orange juice
Breakfast #2 (I had to go to the dentist at 7am..) 1/2 blueberry bagel, OJ
Lunch - salad w/chicken, iced green tea
Afternoon snack- handful of raisins (they sit on my desk..)
Dinner - Cajun grilled mahi mahi on chedder grits (sorry southerners - i have to call a foul on grits.. they're pretty gross.), and mixed veggi's.
So, I'm back to eating healthy again. My jaw is tired from eating so much, but I guess I need to train it! I had NO idea that my calorie count had slipped that low - its not healthy for a sedentary person to get 700 calories, let alone someone who exercises. I'm going to go back to food journaling to make sure that doesn't happen again, at least until it becomes habit again.
On the positive side, I feel 129028342308 times better now.
I leave in the morning for Myrtle Beach... where I'll attempt a half marathon on minimal (4 runs?) run training in the past 3 months. Oh, and apparently its supposed to rain. At least I'll get to cheer for the other Z'ers that are out running the marathon!
Mexico Trip 2025! (Post 1 of 2)
1 day ago
Eating more = feeling 129028342308 better? Weird. ;)
(Please note, actual number for feeling better was directly translated to my comment. Yes, I'm that big a dork)
Looks like you went out there and pushed through. Congrats on finishing given only three runs! I probably would have gotten distracted at the first aide station and started eating gel packets like a Thanksgiving feast.
hey there! mike wimmer at road ID put me in touch with you. i'm doing a road ID giveaway on my blog (www.healthytippingpoint.com) and i was wondering if you'd like to do an interview about your broken jaw incidient and why you believe runners and bicyclist should carry ID. i think your story is so important and i know my readers would be so interested in hearing it!
shoot me an email at seebriderun@gmail.com!
Do you know Ryan? I think he ran the same race as you I hope it went well!
hey linds! thanks for responding to my email. i'm going to post your interview and announce the contest tomorrow, so spread the word! thanks again and i hope you feel 100% better soon!
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