Twenty-two weeks (155 days to be exact) of dental hell drew to nearly a close on Monday, April 20th.
I've been through having my jaw wired, unwired, temporary crowns, root canals, crowns, and partial crowns. I've had drilling, shaving, and sanding done. All to restore my teeth to what they used to be before the accident. I've had to wait for teeth to come in, only to find they were not correct. More shaving, more sanding, and even more waiting. Finally, the veneers came in and were attached to my teeth. Naively, I thought this would be a simple and painless process. All they have to do is glue some porcelin to my teeth, right?
The veneers came in and my dentist placed each one over the tooth to make sure the alignment was correct. Then he had to essentially sandblast my teeth to make sure there was absolutely no plaque or bacteria of any sorts. Did I mention that my front teeth on the top aren't completely stable yet? So pain insued as my teeth were stripped clean. Then the cementing comes, which involves a lot of pressure on the teeth and UV lights to cure the glue. Then more shaping with a drill to get the teeth to look natural, along with hacking through my gums for good measure, just to make sure I realized that this procedure would infact hurt. Armed with no novicane, my dentist kept asking me if I needed a break. I gargled "no" through the pool of spit/blood in the back of my mouth, and we continued on. I got a 5 minute break between the upper and lower set to rinse my mouth out, but thats about it.
3 hours later, I had a new smile:

I'm still getting used to the new smile. It's weird to have teeth that aren't shaved down. I think being able to drink something cold is the best part. The front teeth still aren't totally stable, and the oral surgeon, whom I saw yesterday, wants to keep a close eye on them. I go Tuesday to start the implant - more on that later.

Nice teeth...and pouty bottom lip. H
You look great! Funny, I was thinking about a haircut too.
Teeth look great, Lindsay! Nice smile. How's the pain level now? Nice haircut, too!
The teeth look great! Although, the process sounds extremely painful. I hate the dentist and orthodontist on a normal basis... it must be hell when they're coming at you with sanders and drills!
Oww. Your smile looks fabulous, but the process indeed was painful, no doubt. i had a root canal back in the 80s and I rarely go back to the dentist ever since, only when something breaks. Good job getting it all done, and well worth it
Results came out great...but I'm not sure the ends justify the means. ;)
..aka...cosmetic surgery via bike.
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