or, "Holy crap my first tri of the season is 17 days away"
...Holy crap my first tri of the season IS only 17 days away. I feel so completely under prepared for it, and I don't know why. I go through these ohmygoshwhythehelldidisignupforplacid panic attacks every single few days. As soon as I do Rumpass, I have 3 weeks to prepare for my first half iron. Then 4 weeks to prepare for my second half iron. And what seems like both a lifetime and a flash before my eyes, 7 weeks until I'm toeing the line at Placid. I watch the countdown clock tick closer and closer... 117 days. The first try of the season marks the 100 day countdown to Ironman. I'm not ready to accept double digits. I should trust the training, but I have a hard time doing so. I always feel like I should be doing more. Somehow, this doesn't feel taxing enough.
In spirit of making my life harder, I just signed up for the Army 10 miler and the Marine Corp Marathon. Deep down I hope that I'll be forced to transfer my bibs in exchange for a little race on the Big Island... but I have my doubts. A teammate of mine also pointed out that Mooseman qualifies for World Long Course Championships, enabling me to skip nationals and go straight to Australia. Added another thing to my list of "what if's"... awesome.
I should have a more coherient post, but work and workouts are killing me this week. So, this is all you get.
Mexico Trip 2025! (Post 1 of 2)
1 day ago
Wow. You've got a full plate this year. Don't worry... as soon as you start doing your first tri, you'll think "this is a breeze. I'm totally prepared." And then everything from there on out will be cake.
All I gotta say is I want pictures of the RumpASS in BumpASS shirt. Really, some day I'm going to do that tri just for the shirt.
Wow...you're a machine.
Hey, I would love to run the Army Ten miler this year and my boss asked me to register him as well...but alas, I was too late. If you may want to tranfser your bib or know anyone else, please let me know. I'd love you for it. Always wanted to try that race.
Oh, you can email me at woods_amber@bah.com
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